Friday, April 11, 2008

Why I Don't Play With my Wii

I have owned a Wii for a little over a year now and at the moment the layer of dust on the thing is so thick it could spawn a legion of dust bunnies. In fact, it was difficult for me to even remember the last time I (or my wife) had actually powered on the poor thing.

So, I've decided to search deep within myself and pull out the painful reasons why my Wii is now pitifully neglected.

1. Last Gen?

Unfortunately, as much as Nintendo and others may like to tote the Wii as a "next-gen" console, it certainly does not act like one. With graphics that are only slightly better than the Gamecube and a virtually non-existent online offering, playing this thing is like a flashback to 2003.

2. Quality of games

I also own an Xbox 360 and when I am faced with the choice of purchasing a new game, I find that this system always seems to have something new and exciting that peaks my interest. Apart from the first-party Nintendo games, the Wii is severely lacking in compelling, game experiences. Which brings me to my next point...

3. Shovelware

Even though the Wii has been on the shelf for less time than then Xbox 360, the shelves at my local Big Box store are overflowing with Wii titles. Unfortunately, most of them are complete and utter drivel. Don't believe me...check out some of these awesome titles: Jenga, Sonic Riders Zero Gravity

4. Online Experience

The online experience with the Wii is virtually non-existent. Sure they have a store, but if I want to play a game with someone online I have to deal with unwieldy "friend" codes. I don't think so.

Unfortunately, I see the Wii following the same trend as the Gamecue: lots of great first-party titles and very few great third-party titles. In essence, whenever I'm looking for a new and compelling game experience, I believe that my Xbox 360 can give that to me, while the Wii sits largely unused until something I'm really excited about comes along.

And now, some FAQs for all of the questions I'm sure to get from my legions of adoring fans!

1. But what about the Virtual Console, you say?

Yes, it's a good idea, but I have a NES and Genesis sitting right next to my Wii in my entertainment center. Why would I want to pay AGAIN for games that I already own and play on original hardware?

2. But, my grandmother loves it!

Well, I'm not your grandmother and I don't feel like the Wii provides a great overall experience for someone who practically breathes video games.

3. The Xbox360/PS3/PS2/etc. has bad games too!

Yes, but even the quality of the mediocre games on Xbox 360 are a better experience than those on the Wii. When Wii games are bad, they are REALLY BAD.

4. But the control scheme is so innovative and ground-breaking!

Maybe, but that doesn't mean it can make fun games. There are some games that do well with the controls, but there are loads that completely miss the point.


Rea Jones said...

The last time I played the Wii was to pet fishies. And dolphins. Oh, and feed the fishies. That doesn't mean that the Wii kicks ass... just means they made me a little happy.

Let's see if they can redeem themselves with Wii fit.

Unknown said...

And they did! Wii Fit is awesome! (As most of the first-party titles for the Wii are...)