Wednesday, June 18, 2008

EVE Online - Update 2

So, it appears that the MMO curse has struck me again as I have almost lost total interest in EVE Online (though I actually extended my trial account to a subscription...). I was enjoying playing a little each day, but since Nicole and I just got a new puppy, I've been exceptionally busy between him and work and school with little time to devote. However, I do not feel the desire to play at all. Nothing has captured me to the point to where I want to sit back down and continue with the game. In fact, the last time I played I was completing Agent missions and I even got the exact same mission TWICE which is a big turn-off to me...

oh well, I'll probably be canceling my subscription after this month runs out. I do hear that the new Conan MMO is interesting though....hmmm.....

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